Saturday, February 26, 2011

Fields Again

Wind bumps your image,
clouds blow you backwards.
You're taken apart,
ball of fur and web that you are,
gossamer poised before pursed lips,
scattered under belly waves of migrating geese.

Southbound is the way to go
this blustery time of year.

Noit Seug

Are we perchance a collective thought
perchance shorting in impulses private?
Are we ego nothing more, blending,
melding, hopefully higher?

Accept evolution as possible evidence
that revolution is a millstone
tied around our collective necks.
Are we that? Law and chaos.

You bet, we are.
Don't fret. Hug,
tug, let us frug.
We always have.

More Kindly Human

let us all cry for one another
we can only hope to be washed of the ash

it may seem novel
that the earth opening and swallowing

makes us all
more kindly human

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Go hoop

When winter withstands the skeletal
of Indiana's naked woods and the cornfield neglect
of soggy chaff and frozen scraps,

when inside the window of our house in Dyer
the walls resonate with childhood play,
that back then, you missed instead a more deserving quiet,

which alas has come to sit by the fireplace,
like trophies and family portraits of those passed,
who but for Kodak moments are near forgotten -

siblings, parents,
and divers sepia generations
to rural cemeteries banished

to the hush of impending blizzards...
You miss the noise of happy, voices,
and yet you know that such needs are mainly seasonal.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Take Off

Do not fear the sudden jolt.
Flying machines will shake a bit in turbulence.
In landings and takeoffs, a bump or two is only natural.

Everything immobile, eventually, is set in motion,
Everything that moves, sooner or later slows and pauses.

Call it cardiac arrest,
call it a sensation of sudden panic,
it's the realm of going cosmic.

75 going on 92

Better than sex
and the equal of having your back scratched,
is a cup of coffee, expertly brewed
lovingly served to make you feel 38 summers old
one more blessed day, before the floor shutters
and the curtain drops.

Among my myriad mountain reasons
is why I love Colombia like a granddaughter
who looks up her grandmother
as the most complete of women
any man ever took.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Turnip Plantation

Another wheelchair, another set of crutches
to the funny farm --- them whose own names
they have forgotten,

forgotten likewise to whom they once were married,
in smashed goblets and hot wet kisses
as well as been forgotten the names of sons and daughters
who near bankrupted their parents in wild parties.
Sundry degrees received from UCLA and Ivy colleges,
hardly relevant, wouldn't you say Mr. Madoff?

Adolf Hitler would have cherished you.
Let the survivors eat pound cake, say I.
Let them bathe in balmy Bahamas' waters.

Pharmaceutical Alzheimers be stewed, say I,
like Doctor Jacobs's mother, Sarah,
who dreams in isolation picking turnips

in the former USSR,where still rules a Czar from Georgia
by the name of Josef Stalin. "Hey Stan, call the intern,
I think she's dead."

Zipper Released

be pure now for purity's sake
let subconscious undergo a peaceful demise

let beyond take over

you've tried in vain to make the trains run on time
and hundreds of locomotives have run you over

be good no harm

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Boy Flies Kite on Beach

The beaches do poetry and do not know it,
their stanzas scripted in sand and wind,
expounded by surf through gawks and gills;
the verses expired in breathers of whim,
nostrils consume and let out again.

Place in The Sun

Wheresoever I wander,
I find my safe haven,
my place in the sun.

Caracas and Karachi
I am there on the street corners,
my tawny face increasingly darkens.

From where hails this unsightly lady,
I am the fallen peoples
back on her feet.

Caressing Irazu

The wind-stop top
volcanic heaped
bottom down
burps intermittent.

Wisps of clouds
sweep its ridges
between Hades and Heaven
the beach I walk is exquisite.

Of grounded glass and minted pumice
where minor gods have fornicated
I, a human, am an intrusion,
though I, myself, am of volcanic action,

ever on the edge of leaping off cliffs,
held back by the gravity of timidity
held fast by the anticipation of finding my Zoltan
I caress the volcano one last timem

before returning to the sightseeing bus.

Night Travel

I am a dreamer
a sleep walker
who upon awakening,
logs in the night's encounters.

These are my poems.
I savor an infrequent nightmare.
I order myself back to sleep
to re-dream a happy ending.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Egypt and Back

The baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph fled to Egypt
When the kid rebounded to Jerusalem,
it was then they nailed him.

Gee Time

Time as a playmate,
time as a passing shadow,
time, the thing in the closet

You have time, you have no money worries.
You have no time, you probably have a noose around your neck;
might be a bow tie, might be the hangwoman's strapless dress.

For me this day, this Saturday, I have plenty of time.
I do not leave the covers, but for to piss and attend bodily concerns.
Wouldn't it be nice to be as hard and passive as a rock.

Lesson Hear

Five days late to work this week.
Day 1 - I'm warned.
Day 2 - Warning repeats.
Day 3 - Reprimand issued in writing.

Behold how compassion screwed a kindhearted guy like me.
On Day 1 - I waited for a bus, a little girl beside me.
I allowed the bus to proceed without me to not let the child alone on the corner,
where she could be snatched by slave traders and shipped to who knows where.

Day 2, Day 3 - same story. On the fourth day, I'm fired.
There's a lesson here for goody-two shoes of my ilk.
When to ride Route 88 or no, poses a moral issue,
don't fret, get up earlier and take another bus.

The Hell We Call A Prison

He was my master, I his disciple.
I knew they'd chew him up and spit him out
a bleeding mess forever crippled.

I, therefore, did for him what he could not do to himself.
As he returned from his 12 by 14 walk in the prison yard,
I shanked him neath the left bottom rib.

His parting words to me:
"Thanks lad, even this
I forgive you."

Planet Spin

Gravity holds the axis
Spin determines wind
Wind determines weather

A tilt, a blush and there you have it!
Sunny nights in Point Barrow.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Requiescat in Pace

Eye as self,
self as whole,
one for God,
God for all
Sabbath forever
is what I've been told.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sharon Silverstein or something like that.

For personal reasons,
I can't abide her raunchy comedic routine.
I will admit, however, it's brilliant.

If by and by a documentary is done on her,
I volunteer to write and direct it.
The things to which we're drawn are mysteries.

Bay of Bengal

The bags you want,
we have!!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Vampire Tactics

The cult of gore is kicking swell.
All the news fit to tell.
Be blessed if of it you have no part.

Morsels of murder madness keep in place
the tubes to our minds that we disconnect,
when we can go casket before first light.

Angel and Altar

The angel sits upon an altar,
his toes play misty in frigid waters.

The angel doesn't know he is chosen
to ram Titanus into an ice head

Far removed is he from his mother's birth pangs,
oblivious of North Atlantic's shears.

In its stead he's sees a chandelier of many colors
bewitchingly spinning over Her Majesty's floating palace.

It's then the helmsman-angel hearkens to the low
and nearing rumble played under the band's soulful lament.

In the key of thud we all stop dancing,
that emerges chords of ripping steel.

These Hands

These hands more youthful than I am ancient,
these hands of mine are white light,
that voyage the night to rest upon your astral shells,
and relieve you of your body hurt
that where the giver is, receivers are
who may survive to tell about.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Truth- in-Truce

The principals by which wars are waged successfully,
peace forged, law, order and progress advanced:

In drawing up battle plans, the objective should consider
positioning one's forcesin such a manner that they can be attached
to the underpinnings of the opposing entity, thereby systematically dismantling them and replacing resistance with a newly acquired desire on the part of the former enemy
to cooperate fully with the terms of surrender.

However, in the solution of Mideast conflicts,
it might be more cost efficient to convert the desert to a sand box.

Adam Factored

No person is complete
until his destined purpose is reached.

In kind of cloning Adam
in kind of grafting Eve to Adam,

God's purpose of 2 in 1
was reached.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Cruelty and Kindness

Cruelty is defected by what tricks it into satisfaction.
Like parched earth, cruelty erodes in rainy weather.

Kindness on the other hand, is akin to grassy meadows
that grows and absorbs and grows some more.

To survive, know kindness,
for the cruel of heart are readily smothered.

The wicked perish over and over.

Shunned and Shattered

She said I was no longer attractive to her androgynous friends.
She said it nasal of why I wasn't mixing. And there I sat dejected,
my art work no more in vogue.

By the throat, I took Cassandra to the kitchen,
where I severely warned her, that I wasn't kidding,
she was making me despise her.

She countered with a cleaver, but I in a ballet move
hurled off the condo wrap around balcony.
Nineteen stories down, she lay shattered.

I confess my intent did in no way prevision evil.
Believe me, it was self defense, for hell knows no fury
than a relationship between an gallery owner and her partner

who happen to be more than just professional acquaintances.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Bold Face is Stone Face

Mister Hosni says he's afraid to quit
because chaos will follow.
What a man, what a soldier!

Afraid to quit
kept him in power 30 years
and not a day of chaos ever, ever.

And that's why he's afraid to quit?
May he reign long after
he's a mummy.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Antarctica Meltdown

Curl your tongue towards your throat
to keep the tears from running over.
Weep privately if you must.

We stout of heart,
have the wimps think we're made of iron.
we, as soft and as absorbent as surgical cotton.

In the face of certain meltdown,
keeping up appearances
is the essence of courage.

Kiss goodbye Martha's Vineyard and the Blarney
It was nice to have known them.
The day of reckoning is upon us.

From Queensland to Nantucket
the oceans are swimming inland.
To the highlands, let us be going.

Keep content the ignorant a while longer.
Stay dry, you chosen people
Moses did when the sea he parted.


He is no jerk this Pharaoh
Let the noise makers have their fun
shout dry their mouths and tire
famished return to prayer

Enter the fresh platoons
with sticks and stones pro Mubarek
and then... the Army police the square
caretakers hose down the tiles...

and Egypt go back to being Egypt