Monday, December 31, 2012

People looking Up

A million people packed sardine tight
This hour of Time Square night
A crystal chandelier slides down the pole.

Quick, y'all, throw bales confetti,
hoping shredded paper don't turn to hale
for already my nuts are freezing on Broadway.

Someone please explain this rite
I might as well be from Mars
though I am Manhattan genuine.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Like It Is

Strange times, indeed!
Like a fly caught on fly paper
I' m stuck to disaster television
of bricks raining down
and steel girders melting.
Bosses and clerks,
Starbucks and computers
hurled out of windows.
Strange times, indeed,
when a jet exits an elevator
and intrudes on the innocent play
of children across the river in Hoboken
Let us pray, therefore, for the elusive peace of Jerusalem.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Two Wheels and A Missing Limb

Which paw follows which,
no worry of falling, notice the skill
squirrels negotiate power lines.

Were squirrels' living conditions my own,
 I'd be considered homeless. Fortunately,
 I live on Disability not in the trees

The sun not having shone this week,
I wheelchair to the window to draw the curtains.
First, good night to the abandoned  nest outside.

"Good night," is a standard form of farewell
to friend and stranger alike. Oh yeah
and by the way, to all a belated Merry Xmas !

Monday, December 24, 2012

Us Two

To my hometown's cobblestone streets, my lineage.
To the haystacks leaning inland
To the travail of gulls
To the dunes ever relocating
To altar candles and the yellowed flowers
of wall paper and sepia albums

It doesn't matter
someone knows better
It's you and me forever
even as we walk the village church yard,
even as cock vanes spin insanly
announcing impending heavy weather

It's you and me against the wind tossed brine,
the grey of sea tinting dark, let us be thankful,
thankful for summer night staring winter anguish,
thankful for insect revival
thankful for the geese returning
Yours sincerely, Newfoundland.

Saturday, December 22, 2012


Between summer and winter
the pause time is fall,
pause time in which to rethink

Between winter and summer
the pause time is spring,
pause time to reconsider

Between spring and autumn,
the pause time is summer
pause time in which to throw a fling

The new song delivers
notes rearranged
Moments lived

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Enter Erasure

He wanted to know where I waz from
I wanted to point to my tracks in the snow
but my arms had no lift in them.
Be sure of this:

All tracks lead back
to one we do not remember.
As memories connect,
memories collect.

One day the linkage snaps,
and bang, erasure enters.  Enters
like a bumbling burglar who has no tools
and has no need for them, either..

The intruder wanted to know my name.
I blanked for a sec, then heard him murmur
"No worry, mate, the name is Alz
I'll be your nurse for as long as you need me".

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Right To Bear Arms Claws

We're stuck to a right to bear arms clause
born in part out of the need to keep Indians
from reclaiming lands stolen from them;
born also to keep Negroes enslaved;
born also to rid ourselves of British rule.

Ironically, gun control is argued abroad
on the basis of whether Iran and North Korea
have the right to self defend by procuring
their own nuclear firecrackers.
Where will the madness end?

Hopefully, on December 21st.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Reality Nearly

Reality, really
Senses poor into centrifuge

Centrifuge spins, mixes,separates,
feeds into mental manufacturing,

manufacturing blocks, shards, pottery.
Reality is poetry.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Poor Will and Kate

Always forced to smile
the stiff up lip to birf watchers
Can't we just respect the universal need to privacy
or would tourism suffer so deplorably?

Do not cry for them, United Kingdom
Will and Kate have a job to do,
and they are doing it royally.
Still, such a cage is theirs.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Colored Folk

I'll strive to verse you colorless
for you to later paint by numbers

I've learned rooms painted screaming red,
play more intense than had the same
been decorated pinkish.

I strive for you to savor my foreign tongue
in a dialect compatible to your own

I try my udder best to do you English,
what still challenges me in native Russian,
a touch of French I picked in Poland, that it may tickle,
for whereas milk's color is white, night's is considerably denser.

It's Always In December

Uncle Jose Antonio, you were right
I should have been a priest.
It's always in December
I do not suffer for the baby
I suffer for the season

Maggie Sides The House

Winter threatens
December knives landscapes
Trees not undressed
show a leaf fat and metal

Such a tree is Magnolia
As with Lilly, as with Willow,
Magnolia, too,
a proper name for woman.


Were leaves to fall Mars to Earth
As seasons come from beyond our reach
Can leaves fall more distant
than young hearts in love fall to pieces ?

I knew a boy who thought he knew a girl
Hand in hand they walked streets
Neither he nor she knowing the paths walked
were laid ancestral .

Ode to paths which lead back from whence we came
Put on seashell lobes to hear the undercurrent concerts
Look up to see night's magic, that the stars we think we see
may long ago have disappeared

1 Minute Galaxy

Enter light out of darkroom
Re enter into darkroom once more
Photo graph

Curtain in function of essence
Shutter in function of presence
Shutter graph

Desire made flesh
How many people the planet
7 billion minus or plus

Concert of variables all
1 minute galaxy
Bang goes the Universe

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Nun Gets It

He rhymes with thyme
the posts he posts

She whops to tens
the colors of her palette

It's all good
No one gets hurt

Monday, December 3, 2012

Post Postpartum Considerations

Had it not have been better
the brothers been aborted
than birthed to commit patricide?

Their surname is Melendez.
The fate of them is sealed.
Tricky word this word,  "fate."