Wednesday, January 30, 2013

New Design for Urban Living

You'll not sink into clarity
as you would into depression.
You'll not drown in clarity.

Submergence into it
supplies the needed oxygen

You'll settle into serenity
as meteors snuggle into pay dirt.
After much travel, alas a  revelation!

You'll cozy into  clarity as worms
do in mulch rich  gardens.

Dig is the prayer
dig is the hope
of anyone seeking traction

Friday, January 25, 2013

A Suddent Drop in The Weather

I stand  stoic in Halifax
looking towards Scotland
across the broad Atlantic

Storms propel flocks over steeples
their crosses like antennas
the weather vanes are screaming.

As relief is to stone
commotions broil in oceans
I stand disheartened in Dunedin

Musing over the brooding Atlantic
moon unveils her shimmer
bats emit from Celtic shutters.

Moss eats away at crumbling churches
Wings and wind are inseparable
gloom and moon fly as one

You and I, centuries absent
I'd bell you an albatross
on your birthday.

There's a shinning in me, little sailor
that hankers we talk heart to heart,
so pour me another round

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Every trend is measurable
Evolutionary forecastable.
The given

In labrinths of entertain,
Tweeter transferable
Expandable expendable

No longer shall good taste
be mandated by powdered wigs
College deans and high estates

We're talking reality TV
Take it or leave it
Your butt is mine

Saturday, January 19, 2013

To The Author of The Fog

It took a while for me to grasp
that when you walk in the fog,
nothing really changes,
for the sky is always at your feet
where it delineates as a horizon.

Likewise, the sky is always in your lungs
So it is we hope that heaven is up
after to gravity we succumb completely.

A Fine Inauguration

A fine inauguration,
The first president of the United States,
born in the former Kingdom of Hawaii
takes the oat to defend us on Abraham Lincoln's and MLK's bibles

The only thing to make the event more solemness
would be the inclusion of the bibles
of Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson.

Friday, January 18, 2013

The Learning of Language

The learning of language
are exercise in discipline.

When I bid you to be quiet,
I mean for you to zip it.
When I tell you to "shut up,"
it does not mean to start complaining.

The learning of discipline
is the practice of self reliance.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Mother Tiger and Her Kittens

In a world raw, regurgitated,
just too violent to stomach,
what options due we half?

Be a sheriff, pack a rod.
Shoot to kill. Aim for the middle,
you might hit the jackpot

But absent badge, and desiring none
neither desiring to hip holster nor shoulder arms,
my bushmaster rifle is Christ compassion.

You may maim and murder me,
but you cannot disrupt
my peace for long.

However, what if
you're a stay home mom,
kids to protect, three little girls?

Pedophiles and sadists abound,
may even reside one block down.
The swamp is dank, dismal and dark,

Don't bluff, be ready, Mom.
Post a warning at the door. 
Mother Jumpers will be shot on sight.

Intruders, invaders beware.
This house is armed like you have no idea.
No care you be census taker or  Jehovah Witness.


If it is a defect, it is a beautiful defect.
If it is an accident, it is a fortuitous accident.
It does, it happens
in art and in science.

We may suppose to grasp route causes
We are skilled at building the wonderful Hubble,
but in the deep, the very deep,
there is no top, no bottom.

The humble prayer is adequate,
the unconditional surrender to  Mystery.
I am not a brook, but my hands and feet
plunge into them in spring melt or winter peak

The cosmic purpose of humanity
is  fulfilled when everyone accepts
the duty to make and leave things of beauty
as did the Ancients in the stunning sights they left us

I love the trumpet of Miles Davis
I wonder if anyone feels him
as intensely as eye dew.
I melt as melt the icy brooks,

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Acapulco Vactione

Think about it -
Woman's nipples are covered
for public consumption for general audiences.

How cone not the nipples of men?
Are we all babies?
Is there a difference between eye fed and breast fed?

Saturday, January 12, 2013

186th Street

A 9-day cliffhanger. Lost in Manhattan.
A hole in the wall.  Hole and wall are terms of art.
They are choices not chance.

A 9-day letter,
A 9-day passage from Bremerhaven
The Neumann Factor
186th Street

Thursday, January 10, 2013

How Good Is My God

Could I have wished a New Year's Day
to suit a projected idyllic mood,
to soothe the soul, to whet my appetite
I could not have wished for more, my deer.

You  on the coals, me stoking the flames
Drizzle pearling the gray light morning
Me a little wiser than last night.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Like Eggs

Be not surprised one day to find
elephants and whales swimming in pods
playing together in the same blue pond.

Whales and elephants are wonderfully big,
warm-blooded creatures, generally considerate
to them of their size.

On another note, don't be puzzled
that I of your gender, am by you so enthused
I confess you herewith my conditional surrender.

Still, let us be clear that in love's addenum,
lust need not follow like flapping tails
fag onto kites.

Let's you and I, be us like eggs, each in her yolk.
If cooked, sunny-side up but heaven forbid never scrambled
that none could tell where one begins and the other ends.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Last Night Dreaming

Never again shall you hear me beg for mercy
not in cyber sonar, not in three dimensions
I'll make no utterance to make you giddy

I'm  so on the way to liberation
I no longer see you as temptation
       except to want to beat
the living daylights out of you.

He Didn't Fib, You know The Rest

At times I feel guilty
that I'm a woman of leisure,
and do damn little to better the world,

except drive with care,
be peaceful and go for happy
even when I'm raging mad.

Should I feel guilty? I think not!
Though I'm far from pretty
I know to lay low and fib smart

Friday, January 4, 2013

Clowning with Lipstick

The carpet white
The furniture plush and egg
Down the spiral staircase she descends
in shimmering trembling negligee

The only white not of her
her blushed nipples her engine lipstick

She takes to theatre her little ladder
to do the little morning garden
Shears sharp and silver her idiomatic
She nips the hanging ivy.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Asphalt and Raindrops

Horn blower, thou art, key note poet
Street and town names change, always do
Keepsakes clutch secrets close to the womb

I  jazz quartets
I  portrait strokes in smoky quarters
I tinge binges

Hudson River rains on me once more
Asphalt is my tongue
Teardrops run the gutter

The More Civilized

The more civilized a nation, the more
women have a say in its governance.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Time Fabric

Were all things known
there'd be no reason, no excuse
to call any event an accident.

In weaves of any stripe, each thread measured,
already counted, their ties and strengths pre-qualified
who'd be no surprise that a given curtain rips?