Sunday, March 31, 2013

U Prove

I forgive the enemy
that is Christ

I do not forget the enemy
that is dementia

I assist the enemy to not trespass
me more than once

Saturday, March 30, 2013


She says to husband,
"Forget all the white people
living in the neighborhood."

Like a shot in the woods, husband reports,
"White people in the neighborhood?"
"I didn't notice.  I thought they were gray."

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Good Friday

Om the hill, "Skull", where hammer meets nail,
and nail splits joints from tendons,
splintering with blood the wood beneath,
can one simply pick up and fly away?

I think it possible
but the bird is badly mangled
The flight from fight is death.


It's kaddish gaity
melancholic provocative
like a fairy boy romping in the park
not a care in the world,
only a vague dread of aging.


My abode wears shades
I don't

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Party Tune

The party ends when the music stops
Nobody moves, nobody gets hurt

North Korea is threatening again.

H to P

Heaven to Head
Head to Feet
Feet to Plant
I believe in His Name
I draw His Power

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Eye of The Needle

It's  a small ass world, smaller than you think,
chuck filled with relatives. you don't know exist -
that is until one dubious day, you get lucky and win the lottery.

Hell be damned,  if everyone ain't blood already!
The Pygmies are kin to the Windsor Castle bunch
The Queen, herself, is related to a hooker in the Bronx.

I was the black sheep of  my own family
Then the announcement that I held the 200 million Powerball ticket
King Solomon said it; the rich are never short of friends and well wishers.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Case in Point

Here's the deal
a deal almost surreal
My friend, take heed!

Sue's a wow chic I met last month
Says she loves me more than she loves God,
which is an awful lot coming from an atheist.

Is Sue jerking my liberal Judaism cords,
What evil thing might Sue be cooking?
Sue's a cutie chucky doll

Works for Bank of America
Makes barrels of money
In her 50's, she still pumps iron

So, what does Sue see in me
She towers a foot over my bald head,
Has a slamming body like Halle Berry

Sue's  a blond, blue eye Aryan,
freckled  in places like leopards are spotted.
I've thought it over, yes I have!

I''ll stick to my own kind
a girl not so glam who does profess to love me
more than she loves God, whatever whoever God  is

Dear readers, think twice who you bed
They will change your life in ways you can not know
A case in point: Travis Alexander and Jodi Arias.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Under The Sun

Under the Sun
under the Moon
the month of March let's loose the coil

And every animal that makes a noise.
hollers loud and clear at The Now
Forever's crystal image

Monday, March 18, 2013

How's The Coffee

Excitingly fragrant
scented of you
at the  cup's rim
steam rises

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Two Can Do

The depths of water
river links in sky,
on land to ocean bottom

The depths of water
snow capped mountain links
to blazing desert

The tears of you
the blood of me in you
the depths of water

That they will not take away
bonding is of attraction
One is union

Friday, March 15, 2013


We the panic stricken to confront bullies
are so in fear because we dread
to do the violence they perpetuate.

If  we could only overcome our hesitation,
we might be bullies too.

Therefore, the only way to deal with bullies
is knock out their teeth and pull out their tongues
that through humility we may abandon insolence.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Looks to Move

Air blows leaf moves
Vocal cords of forest

Hawk swoops

Cuttings and eyes of Day
Is what It says

Friday, March 8, 2013

Aerial Godivas

They're whistling and chirping the nesting time
the difference between birds and aeroplanes
there are no feathers lost in hangers

Sword, Eye and Magic Wand

A sword hangs over your skull
A magic wand floats over your head
A golden eye  stares and blinks above the conscious

Your choice which one to pick
Thus, thoughts shape our destiny.
Summarized, our heads are the bottom halves of exclamation points

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Shape of Woman

The perfect sing the perfect face
belonged to the glowing man
the senescence man,the essence couple
who found paths to cross the river
and hike upcountry the Alps of Italy,
veering north by northwest as well as east
over the Himalayas to the reaches of Mongolia
and then to the Americas as far as Patagonia
to islands everywhere, the continental drift
for sure the shade of woman
the Africa in us all

Letters in The Sand

She goes tripping the beach this morn
in search of seashells almost gone
mostly fragmented washed ashore
the sea a mouth, the beach is spittle
You want exotic go Caribbean

This dawn Myrtle goes beach
as Myrtle does and did before
she of lace and foam
the boy she loved a sailor boy
the man she married a lighthouse giant

In the zone of Cape Henrico
knee Tdeep in surf
the maid goes big toe first
kinda like into a crossword puzzle.
purely tidal, oddly sinister.

The gulls, the gulls,
the gulls are always gulling

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

New Night

A new night renders its dark light
a new night under astronomy's intricate canopy
a new night where shooting stars could be somebody's expletives,
and the flickering twinklers might be the flaming tongues of fading candles

Monday, March 4, 2013

Caravan to Doom

One way to sing
one way to dance
to truly hear is to feel intensely

Wheel chair bound
or otherwise imprisoned
ride the music forget to worry

My cello and I once were lovers
till we parted ways on a train station
boarding passengers to Treblinka