Sunday, October 11, 2009

Forgive and Forget, says Who?

To remember too accurately and be to evildoers unforgiving
is as bad a curse as any that may befall an innocent.
And yet, why forgive those who do not ask to be forgiven?

I'm thinking in particular of the guards of Treblinka
and soldiers like them of every race. Orders are orders,
and those who blindly follow them are stupid to say the least.

You who tend to forgive easily,
consider this, does God always forgive,
or does He at times dispatch straight to hell?

If God always forgives,
then He will forgive me
for not forgiving my oppressors.

I'm thinking particularly of cowboys and Indians,
who bloodied us badly while we went about are business.
sweeping tepees and skinning the buffaloes.

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