Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Power Pump Pound Cake Times

In Blue Grass Country where free enterprise thrives,
two families compete for supremacy
in home baked economics.

The Powers and the Pumps are hill people,
raccoon capped, straight shooters.
as far back their roots of when they were British.

They traded furs and purveyed moonshine,
beverage of mountain kind,
also known as panther piss.

Alas, urbanity reached their neck of the boondocks
as it does all fart out places, that brings with it
Oriental goods and Walmart services.

Thus, it was that the Powers and the Pumps,
morphed from tobacco chewing hicks
into entrepreneurs of broader webbing,

fabricating Bourbon soaked pound cakes
marketed on Craig's List --- cakes aged in burials
as Chinese do their eggs,

that gives egg and pound cake, too,
an extra zing and funk of whiff.
Don't knock it till you've tried one!

Now, it happened that for an inexplicable,
the interred pound cakes of the Powers exploded,
but not so the pounds of Pump & Company.

Notwithstanding lack of evidence, the Powers held the Pumps responsible.
Naturally, each party became indignant and litigation followed,
which in former times would've been shotgun prosecuted and shotgun settled.

All the while, the Power Pound Cakes kept on popping,
which allowed Alvin Pump to corner the market.
Thus, belly up went Justus Power.

Now this might sound contrite, you all,
but it's a metaphor for us Americans, power pumped and harried
in these don't ask don't tell, troubled times.

All I can say ---
thank God,
we have a Barack Obama for President!

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