Saturday, January 15, 2011

A Stroll Through The Park

Take a stroll through the park with a poet,
you're in for a treat. Everything is dreamy, creamy;
the cotton ball clouds, the leaning towers of Central Park.
To note; you had dropped acid just hours ago.

Take a stroll through the park with a Wall Street broker.
You'll probably with you didn't.
Take a stroll through the park with a mugger.
Forget the mugger, the country is violent enough.

I remember early one Christmas Eve, strolling pass Tiffany's.
I ran a high fever. The wind-whipped snow melted before
it doused my face. Had it not been for winter,
I might have died dehydrated.

I entered the park in Columbus Circle.
I wished for a mugger to try me.
I was in want of a reasonable excuse to kill.
I had unrequited love on my mind.

I was then as I am now
the center of the universe,
but am no longer
the owner of Central Park.

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