Saturday, October 15, 2011

Lil Miss Willowwip

Our encounter was a near collision . We were both to blame,
I begged her pardon, she begged mine."Miss, what enormous eyes you have,
shades of bedroom."Your lips are sherry stained.
Have you been sipping Ripple?

She of autumn apples for cheeks called me "sir."
I smirked. Were we not both dressed proletariat?
She said she knew me from my films, films she really, really liked,
films that took her back to premenstrual innocence.

Well, said I, such a compliment, is deserving of an autograph.
Thus I give, so appreciate. Be tickled with my signature mustache twitch.
And here for thee and for posterity a fleeting blush of my chalked countenance.
Make merry, see my tricks of schtick and walking cane.

I herewith perform my funny walk which has made me Chaplin in every continent.
And now, please refrain from blinking, for you may not see me in these parts again.
One last time, I flutter these eyelashes of mine with melancholy overbearing.
The key of success is to live life as in the flicks of slap stick humor. Be the star!

I bequeath to all thespians to the core, my last will and testament:
Cherish the craft, treasure the characters we play
more than the actors we are. Worship each and every performance.
Most importantly, love one another as you have loved the audience.

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