Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Stark Retelling

Lights are required for surgery.
Light is needed to see the woods
walk in February

We sea reflections
We move anong shadows
Creation's stark retelling

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Winter Cover

There are people who rarely know happiness
Think of them when you do poetry
that sentiments able to wing
somehow give solace to other's sadness
like summer leaves reach earth in autumn

Saturday, October 27, 2012


The suffering permitted me to taste,
to taste and to endure,
I thank Him for it.

Fire to the kiln
Love exceed my limitations
in the holocaust of thanksgiving.

The Boy Next Door

He's about 6 foot 7, skinny as a rail.
and moves in the kitchen
like a ballerina.

Before he raises to his mouth the first fork
of whatever it is he microwaves, he violently twitches
His arms kung fu in every directions.

Am I spying on my neighbors.
You bet I am.
You think I hang binoculars around my neck for nothing.

I spy on everyone; bloggers, tweeters.
and husbands fighting their wives in bedrooms.
Me calls it social anthropology.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

An Admirable Departure

Her sisters, her daughters, the crippled son
who shared with her the one room house
agreed Mama wasn't looking right.

No easy feat to convince her see a doctor.
Cajoled, pushed and pulled, the Matriarch
is forced into a taxi, her impressive size.

She sheen and black in a made in a
rolls down the hill to Port of Spain
little houses on both sides.

Foot on brake manage the steep,
Hold the narrow towards Fisherman's Beach
Cab careens, driver rear views the passenger.

Grumble they mumble, the ride is a rumble
Matriarch insists Hussein turn around
No clinic today nor ever

I'll die here where I sit. Yep, Hussein turns around in their cab.
Word gets around.

Back in her homestead, Mama tip toes to window
where pipe in hand for decades she pondered
the flatness and shimmer of the Caribbean.

Then, grasping her chest, she heads to the four post bed
between the prints of  St. Jude Thaddeus and Archangel Gabriel
squashing the head of Dragon, pictorial representation of Satan.

And there dies she, Notable Healer Woman
Village midwife of dozens
who also could freeze snakes at 16 paces.

She smiles that last smile
few of us shall be blessed to smile
upon our dying bed.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

4 Taste

The grounds wet,
night's cool prevails

Wind and birds trill
the anthem of earthly pleasures

Encoded in our senses,
the taste of heaven

On Earth As It Is In Heaven

There's a time,
a cat paw time
to walk softly
and in gait
love entirely
out of the gate

There's a time
of unbroken rhythm
when lungs blow clear
as any there-you-have-it clarinet
and all the bodies spin heavenly
like the Timer's vest pocket clock

The Country Beneath

We live in a country in decay
the neighborhoods micro products
The neighbors are still essentially honest
unless you hire them to mow your lawn
or rewire your mouth

Our politicians are honeysuckle sincere
always say what we want to hear
true of all countries and all human beings
not about ethics but of immediate survival

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Call It As You Wish It

The guitar I play scores me
I the medium guitar the diva
Love this intense answers to no one
'Cause the cause of pain pleasure
Rarely soft mostly hard
Thinks with the heart

Opening notes lifts
Riffs stiffer tones to the finish
Free therefore equals no hostility
Run loose the cords Mona Lisa
Reality is merely one vision
on which the forest descends to feed

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


This is America
who isn't a racist?
Still, we push onward
towards a better day.

A thousand years
there'll be no black and white
to fuss about.  We'll all be back
to being American Indians.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Princess Shower

Rain on my face she was and is
washed me of pie on my face
showed me strength through humility
Twice I am the man I could have only hoped
before we met and wed, a thousand years ago
now like clock work, she finds only fault
30 years an act of contrition

Monday, October 8, 2012

Base Line Blues and Sunshine

I plant discarded flower from the local garden center,
and watch them grow into queens and daughters.
This is to say, it's okay to be rich but it's far,
far better to be one in sentiment with the poor.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Other Side of Gravity

You journey through a meadow
both luminous and shadowed
You welcome night's cloak
upon your shoulders
dressing your breasts
How scary the night
were it absolutely starless

We are always in need points of reference
The cosmos in us reflected
we as it are a array of particles and spaces
scattered wide yet compact
our thoughts are mundane
we wish we could defy gravity once and for all
That is heaven

Friday, October 5, 2012

Tricky Business

I lost my wife in the mall
I might have lost her to the mall
20 minutes before its closing
I figured I'd find her in the basement

20 minutes turned into hours
10 long tears for every anniversary
I have not found my Sue Ann yet
I fear she maybe gone forever

I dread answers not questions
Did the bride skip or was she napped
or simply spirited this I think
is not for me to reveal

Should we meet another time would we
could we fall in love again not knowing
who we were then for more than love is complex
reincarnation is tricky business

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Quantum Mechanics

Since giving up letters the poetry I quarry
rock and pebble mountain side I terrace
for later wild flower profusion
I am a probability amplitude
positioned to collapse
my art, my prophesy
my property