Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I look at the plate set before me -
as of yet empty of dinner -
a plate in expansion,
in representation of an expanding universe.

A force thrusts outward the plate's perimeter.
Simultaneously, there might be an inward retraction;
the outward motion perceptible;
the inward one imagined.

Is not order equilibrium?
Is not equilibrium the essence of order?
Might not the mind mirror the reverse -
outward contraction and inward expansion?

In a drop,an ocean - a drop in the ocean.
For the sake of argument, let's say
there exists a common origin to all things.
Let us denote this dark origin as CF (Centric Force).

Let us also agree, for the sake of expanding the idea,
that we take as a given that all things change,
and as such, there are no limits permanently fixed,
except in so far as we perceive them to be boundaries.

Let us call this "perception," the Reality Factor (RF).
Though RF obviously corresponds to CF,
RF does not equal CF
because CF is greater than RF

And here we go again,
The plate and I.
Enter the waiter,
who finally delivers the lobster dinner.

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