Saturday, September 7, 2013

And Consequently, Time

Energy is expressed as heat and motion
Heat, itself, is  motion
Motion organizes around gravity
Light being  Energy, Light having motion,
Light has its particular form of gravity.

Beyond gravity, there is a hole in space that can be likened to  a hole in a wall
The hole in the wall  swallows another hole, the hole in time
The hole in time can be likened to hole in the head .
Said holes have embryonic membranes over there openings
off of  which objects bounce.  Objects tend to move in circular paths.

"In the Beginning" was the stage where upon
"Let there be Light" heralded  the actors;
Energy, Space, Time.
Herein, the The Trinity speaks: Three Persons coexistent in One,
Equal, Distinct, Everlasting

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