Monday, September 9, 2013

Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Fun

Let no one have lived in vain
Everyone ought to write a book
for what it might inform and/or entertain
But first!  Everyone should contribute
to the propagation of species.

But first!  Everyone should plant a tree to renew
what others have destroyed.
But first!  Let us thank God,
who has made  birds, fish and apes
Is not Creation a kick in the Evolutionary scale!

Suffer me a while, dear Reader,
to share with you  a bit of my log of travels.
Me and World War II arrived on earth together
the day, the month, the year Hitler invaded Poland
I was born  where Poland borders Lithuania.

In the gloom of war,
the Mapovia Family hastily recalculated,
retooled and  relocated to Siberia,  a place not nearly as cold nor hot
as the  hell the Third Reich had prepared for Slavs and Hebrews.
I thank the little man with a mustache for my not attending boarding school in Warsaw.

In the wilds of Siberia, I grew up scrawny and tough.
In Warsaw, I would have become most likely a social dilettante
In the beginning I was a synagogue-attending  Jew (this, of course, in secret.)
Communism is an atheist religion.
As I matured I became an atheist..

From Central Asia, the Mapovias eventually moved to North Africa.
From the Kingdom of Morocco, we relocated once again -
this time to Revolutionary Cuba,  From a dilapidated Havana,
I soon found my way through Mexico to currently Cape Hatteras,
from where I should be glad to exit into Heaven.

Presently, I follow Jesus dogma, but make no mistake.
As  student, I am no less pragmatic than when I was a Communist,
and refused to worship Josef Stalin (only in the closet, I objected, of course),
Where spies outnumber friends and family, the  underground is fraught with risks.
Enjoy with me a glass of wine, if you will.  I do not hold as some Christians fanatics do,
that drinking and dancing is verboten 'cause the latter especially can lead to vertical sex.

All this is to say that as a reborn citizen of these United States,
I subscribe to the idea that, " Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness"
is for the citizens to define for themselves.  I have defined it for myself, and do declare,
I will continue to desire neighbors what I desire whole heatedly  for myself..
Live, compose and enjoy!  Life is short.

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