Monday, September 26, 2011

Wall Street Musing

If the stock market is to be compared to an ocean,
trends in the market are ocean tides and currents,
and Dow up, Dow down are surf's breaking waves .

Big fish, little fish, tiny fish - these all the vast sea holds.
And here's the catch - can good fishing be smelled from the shore?
Maybe it can, if tsunamis can be sensed before ever they start to roll.

On this wager your bets, however,
when winds favor, don't dally,
lift anchor, set sail.

Reading, Writing and 'Rithmetic

The breaking of bread is a sacrament.
Sex is a sacrament.
Life is dedication and service.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Jazz Work It Out

I can't tell you how many times I've been slain by the horn of Louis Armstrong.
I'm a sucker for the highs lows, and haunts of sassy Sarah Vaughn.
My finger tips, toes and rib cage suffer rhythm excruciating for the sake of soul.
I'm proud to be a woman, but I'd have no beef had I been born
the Modern Jazz Quartet.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Doubt Remains

The last preparations were finalizing for what was slated to be a pleasant road trip
Valdosta and back. Things were progressing nicely till conflict erupted
Bert had already packed the trunk military style. Martha insisted it be repacked.
Bert growled, "Don't mess with my mind." Two devout Christians,
Bert and Martha could go pagan in a heart beat. But insult to insult, Bert no way
could stand up to Martha. The once virgin bride was a fire-spewing dragon.

Bert ran up the stairs to the bedroom, locking with key the door behind him.
With one swift kick Martha knocked the door off the hinges. She had been
a professional wrestler. He could not handle her unless armed with a baseball bat.
Bert would've pulled the hairs from his head save he was as bald as bowling ball.
In frustration, he downed a half spent container of Valium and followed it with as much
gin he could swallow before Martha bounded towards him and got her fingers in his mouth.

Now let's it be clear, so called attempted suicides are mainly theatrics.
Bert was confident the Valium cocktail would not kill him.
He chanced the risk in order to keep the performance real. It proved,
however, a miscalculation due to a heretofore undiagnosed heart condition.
Three days, three nights, he spent in coma in and out of theological debates.
Does God exist?

And if there's a heaven, where the hell would that heaven be centered?
And heavens to Mega Troy
should anyone be condemned to spend eternity
in a place not of your liking,
For what, for being whom?
For being Bert, a poor schlemiel?

How Now Brown Cow

Space between
between two holes,
between two notes,
between two breaths,
separation, stars and dust,
in rites in spite, attachment holds,
for speed of light is time that counts
indeed, in word, the universe is very old.

Waterfall called Temple

Tongue of water in a drop,
crystal ball of streams in birthing.

Tongue of water licks the creeks,
runs down-slope to sea and back.

Tongue of water in tears and light,
transitions into dousing.

I saw in rock where pools were fashioned.
I see in forest a cascade temple.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Can it be?

Can there be love where there's no hope?
If hope is lost, can faith endure?
Can there be God where faith, hope and love are missing?

Monday, September 19, 2011

Bert's Last Write

What you wrote yesterday is quick sand history
no one remembers including you.
It's the exhalation dissipated.

Old poems makes for rickety.
Their skin sags, their muscles stiffen,
the waste basket invites.

You, the emboldened vaulter,
like a mountain goat from ledge to edge,
one daring verse to the next.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


What is peace?
Peace is no one thing.
Peace is loving.
What is loving?
Loving gives.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Narrow View Broad Vision

In song there's life,
Life through movement is expressed.
What ever lives moves at least to yawn.

Time measures movement, but is time itself alive?
Of course it is, has it not kept up
with this reader's reading of a yawning poem?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Cosmetic Editing

I try too hard to get it out.
Just let it all hangout.

I did and they recommended

Friday, September 9, 2011

Keep Hope Alive and The Underground

What is love of God when you're down and out, and gloom abounds,
when for instance, you've been shanked in the back,
stabbed in the eye, knifed in the groin, when your woman has been split open
for Masters to peep and overseers to sneak a sip?

What is love of God when slavery or suicide --- is the choice?
Love of God is revelation, that can flash in a second,
but take foever to reach fruition.
Love of God for me was Gettysburg.

Love of God was dubious Reconstruction,
love of God was suspended animation
when I heard Triple K hoop and holler
the rebel yell, "Kill the black ass nigger!"

Still, I managed to escaped, thanks to Harriet Tubman,
Sojourner Truth and the Underground Railroad. The Emancipation Proclamation
brought constitutional reform. The 13th Amendment was sweet to my ears;
the 14th was pure rite of passage; the 15th gave us wombs the right to vote.

So, what else do you want for crynowloud?
Condolezza Rice for President?
What if Candel Lisa ain't unavailable,
would you be willing to settle for Oprah Winfrey?

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Brothers Three

One accused of messing with his sister;
one accused of messing with his daughter;
the third looks like a saint, smokes grass insane,
and no one of his family hears him speak.

Horror and Horrible

It is inappropriate for a woman of my bearing
to seek employment, especially considering
the staggering number of people out of work.

I have everything materially I require.
Why then return to a 9 to 5 grind
and be subject to office gossip?

After observing I was getting the shakes -
probably due to a nutritional deficiency -
I retired at 52, an emergency room nurse.

Thereafter, I took a young lover,
who I subsequently had dissected
when lose nose Cyrano nose played me dirty.

I would retire again, one last time,
this time to live a cloistered nun,
none for them and none for me!

That's all folks, mill on that a bit!

Sky Eye Blue

It''s that time of year, again
for love intense and gentle,
when the strata age of woods and rocks
prepares for Grim Winter to return
from its northernmost haunts, invade the hollows,
sow helter skelter frost and darkness.

It is that time of year, again!
So, have you gathered enough firewood, my dear?
Have you stuffed the Bell jars full with jams and jellies?
Are the heavy blankets out of mothball.yet?
Are the snowshoes ready to trunch the ice?
Lastly, did you store securely the Scotch?

Accidental Consequential

To find in God - the simple, and in a drop the most complex.
Dying opens up grand opportunities! Seems ever clearer to me now,
sure as shooting stars, that to live is to be born anew.

The Owl Gives A Hoot,

The question is, shall I escape the day?
Shall I untethered go the soft landing way of autumn's leaves?
Falling blooms ask no such questions,
only would be poets and philosophers are so presumptuous.
Wake up, little crooner. Who do you think you is?

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Mine Vows

I have sworn off television, because my 20/20 is faltering.
I have sworn off beer, because it does not seem right to me
to spend Social Security in getting high.
I have sworn off drugs, because I have no stomach
for supporting the Mexican cartel. I have sworn off sex
for want of drive to mix body juices with them of maybe dubious reputation.
I have sworn off preachers, lawyers and doctors, because they are con men all.
I have sworn off friends, because I have none that I know of.

Only the internet, have I not sworn off, because here I am virtual,
here I am invisible. No one knows for sure if I'm man or woman,
atheist, catholic, former nazi or communist.
I am the verses I write, and it thrills me
to have such handy excuse for the perpetuation of ego.

To All Dead Friends and Poets

Leaf simple tumbles earthbound,
It experiences the sky in a different journey.

Do not inform autumn leaves
that they are dying.

A member departs,
its kind returns.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Summit Sunrise

Rejoice wing, rejoice and sing on mountain top.
This morning's tap whistles pass my ears.
I'd surrender, sure I would, to fall up into the sunrise.

From high, I spot in jagged crevice,
a bee who fingers unperturbed a yellow daisy -
he and she - brave pioneers of rock formations.

In one voice (ole English, yet) they inquire:
"Woman Tell, art thou a bug or, perchance,
some type of pollen factory?"