Friday, May 31, 2013

Round Robin

Words borne born
Energy transmits
Thoughts are kinetic
Numbers are clues
Follow the tracks

Speed of light sustained
paraphrases Winehouse
Gets you back to Black
And then once more
Let there be blinding Light


Call it hook
call it tether
call it interdependence

Flesh and spirit are pegged and being
fabrics sewn together are subject to rips,
be kind to your neighbors, mankind and beasts

Throw a fool on top Mt. Everest or put him under a bus,
that's how vulnerable we are to the emergencies thrust upon us
Pray always for favorable weather.

Folks carry the consequences of their ancestors' misdeeds.
Be then not unfeeling to serial killers once caged
and ready to be tortured fittingly.

I say take the good path, ladies and gentlemen,
that nothing causes us to fear. Be we of uncluttered conscious
and in all things godly.

The meditation, the SOS we call, The Lord's Prayer.
affirms Earth and Heaven's linkage, and we also connect
when we choose to live Master's humility

Month's Close Promotions

Promote frugality, when shopping
and find solid arguments for keeping the money in your pocket.

Promote critical thinking.  Accept the reality,
the purpose of most reports is to purposely miss inform you.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Pushin' Buttons

Making a million pushing buttons
no longer thrills

What else is there?
If not sex, religion

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Does This Make You A Vampire

Let's say the guy has a 75 inch reach  Yours is 69.
Add to the 6 inch advantage, a cutlass in hand
that measures about a foot and half, The guy's
6 inch advantage has multiplied by 4.

Out run the assailant?   Probably not!
Best chance of surviving is rush into the fray
Get up close, nose to nose close a  lover
close enough to give him a kiss.

But you don't want to kiss the fiend.
You want to bite him and geyser his jugular.
Get him so concerned with his own dilemma,
he forgets he wanted to chop you to death.

Does this action qualify you a child of Dracula?
If it does, we need more vampires in the British army.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Some Men

Some men were meant to be celibate
I've known a few.  Wondrous they
who hearkened to the calling.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Bloke goes for Broke

When I a lad sailed the Dragon's Eye
I made it a  point to not miss daybreak and sunset
I've had my share of  viewing the Green Flash in nautical twilight
I've known the exuberance of greeting a new day in open water

When I feel blue these days,
I shut my eyes and smell even where I'm present,
a thousand miles in Mid America, I still smell,
Australia musky coastline, a day's journey from docking.
Old Sailor, may your fading memories, bring you
deserved release,and for those reminisces you can not shake,
may they make you a kinder bloke.
"Should ole acquaintances be forgot..."

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Post Privacy Generation

Everybody wants to be famous,
and that's why they tweet their business
to the world.  Post Privacy braggarts

Mapovia wants only privacy.  Secrecy equals privacy,
and that's why no one sees Mapovia without her assortment
of wigs, veils and other disguises like that of a fly on the wall,

To each their own, they say.
To each the mob, say I
Invisibility turns me on.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Fresh Ideas, Big Talkers

Tweet your words differently
and change your way of seeing

Enlarge your thinking
and soon you'll increase productivity

Why people go-to-for motivational speakers
We all seek validation, we all wanna believe in Can-Do

Slingshot vs. Giant

You lose your voice
you lose your person
you lose your person
you lose your soul

No matter the monster you're up against,
keep your voice in the tongue of the Fathers
Be still and know that I am God

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Pax Americanus

I find your talk troubling.
Why frame the bulk of your ideas
in terrifying Doomsday scenarios?

On my wall hangs a clock made in China
It runs on battery. One day the battery will fail.
We'll get a replacement.

Obviously the clock will not always hang
on that particular wall.  Clock, wall and me
are bound for transformations.

Does this means Doomsday? Perhaps.
But why paint the inevitable so scary?
Why not rejoice and  call it Broomsday?

Monday, May 20, 2013

Constitutionally Speaking.

Existence equals presence
Presence plus motion presents challenges
Such the complexities of immigration,
Right to Life, Pro Choice, etc.

Where there is gravity
there is friction
Where there is movement
there are bound to be collisions

It is in the Constitution of Creation written.
The Preamble categorically states it
I am paraphrasing:
Let Us Have A Big Bang

Self Improvement

At best, you're standing still,
if you're not moving forward.

If you're not moving forward,
you're falling behind.

Serve Creation,
move forward.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Closet Curtain Clicks

Closet curtain clicks
and the Princess slides into the tangle
Again a gain in being almost virgin

Touch of mint upon his cheeks
She is intrinsic to apple glow.
a still life portrait before a ruined  convent

Curtain clicks
Pond fish positioned in the ready
for the priceless one time gulp

Whilst dragonflies cull and craft
the near, the dear
arabesques of aerodynamics

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Maids Like Me

Take in rains at dusk
full-wide nostrils
Ears hear the song.
the pitter patter.

Purity is sought.
Truth is given.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Cart and Latern

Another Place, Same Ole Planet

My pulse is Russian.
my eyes Jewry
I identify with caravans,
an ancestral proclivity.

I understand the atheist.
I once was there too.
Now I'm at another place
still grounded to the planet.

A Ghost of A Chance

From second to hour
first day to last

In grief as in wait,
in urgency's haste

In earthquakes
as in civil unrest

Pray the all day communication
in the hollow of timelessness,

In the wells of lost and found
the quiet thoughts of souls at rest

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Spare Change, Christian?

You've heard per chance of String Theory,
Blessed is the Hymn whose 5-note name Everlasting!
I smell the rains tonight come in sheets into the port city where I live.
I thrill to see the rivers of the streets resulting run rampant
diked by curbs, cascading into the sewer lines,

from there flowing onward to the sea in slips,
back up again rising into clouds and down once more in sheets
as has happened in the before when Earth fumed,
and from magnum torrents emerged the green, green isles
of the Pacific.

Reality is change.
Change is Master. Change is Mistress.
It is for said reason that when the parking lots beggars of me inquire
if I have spare change, I must  respond in truth:
Spare change does not exist!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


There are not enough hours in the day
to tinker the tinks which need thinking

There arenot enough years in a life
to examine the Law of Instruction

Be then, consoled, we have eternity
for ample worship

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Appreciation, Depreciation

The little you had
was taken away

Cause the lack of appreciation
makes for depreciation effect

Goodbye to good times
say hello to nevermore

In all things be vigilant

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Mr. and Mrs.

They are Mr. and Mrs. Frugality
They may spend a lot of $$$ on toilet paper,
but they do not buy shit.

Their shadows shall not touch
the grounds of a yard sale
nor cross the threshold of Big Lots.

Friday, May 10, 2013

The Problem in Palestine

The thicker the marker,
the more its staying power.

Boundaries traced in blood,
bleach is vexed to lighten.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

More Bangs for Your Bucks

The medium of television is primerrily a medium of noise
Noise catches audience's attention

The entry points into TV programs out of commercials;
the exit points into commercials into TV fare;
are primerrily almost always introduced by explosive sounds.

If these burps and farts were no existent, you'd probably fall asleep
If canned laughter were not pervasive,
you'd probably sit somber through the sitcoms.

More bangs for your bucks keeps TV prosperous
The result of any given 3 hour watch  is that the senses turn gummy
and you are amply programmed

Just you see, Professor Higgins, trun off the contraption off  for a week,
and you'd be amazed of how dramatically your life will fall to pieces.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Hat's Off

A beret is a hat. Bonnets are hats
Yarmulkas and helmets are hats as well

A wig is a hat made of human hair
Those best served by hats are we who are bald.

I am proud to be bald.
Day and night, my dome shines bright.

Coincidentally, did you know?
Josef Stalin liked his women's head shaved clean.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Revolving Doors

To allow temptations to entice or flee from them.
To sin or not to savor rush, the tremors
of forbidden fruit the lust to know
the taste death

Liars are thieves and that's a fact!
Liars would con Truth if they only could
Three times over, Truth they'd kill.

Smart thieves move up the ranks,
and murderers start out liars.
To do or knot. Revolving doors
are each and every one of us

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Poor Mr. Trout

Swimming in the arts
cold stream swimming
eyes and heart
mountain jumping streaming.

Snowballs from high
where Colorado curvature
meets the curvature of sky
Swim, you rainbow lips quick to bite

Kaleidoscope fan your tails, you scales, through currents
where ice melts slower than summer cometh.
Suck in breath, you flapping gills,
over highways of river pebbles.

The will to eat the swim to eat
Totems be the last of ye,
pale face included,
chest high in rubber boots.

Line, flies and net fry catch.
Sun drops. Stars candelabra forward,
caroling icicle variations on a quintet theme
by Franz Composer Schubert.