Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Call Me "Broom"

First my father,
then the teachers,
last of them my husband preacher.

Dependent of each other
and of one authority
they me duly sent into exile;

that I had no rite to write about
especially no right to question
every blooming everything.

When I  poemed local Polly Annas
when  Scripture-like I spewed verse
my ass they did and thrice did curse..

Through clenched fists I heard them oath
"Let's water-board the bitch,
and do humanity a  freakin' flavor."

"Better yet, between two walls
let's spread eagle her leg to leg
so she can savor a taste if hell."

I have survived you pious robes,
you hooded sheriffs,
grand inquisitors of us  maidenheads.

Bye, bye  I'm off, you sawed off males
to cartoon sweep
in other places, other faces.

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