Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Darwin, Horizon, Kilamajaro

You can't make people like you.
You Bees are who you are.
Whatever you are
be happy Evolution's works.

People might say
you're vertically impossible;
your're nostrils spaced too far apart;
your eyes have cow like  lashes.

Jackals will be cads. We Giraffes
can't help but being gals, physically adept
for higher grazing;  our line of sight not the Beetle's
who scours the day in dungs heaps.

Because these neck of ours gracefully extend,
horizon and Kilimanjaro play steady in our heads.
Thus, we walking skyscrapers are closer to Heaven
than other mammals.

Do not think us vain that we are tall..
We do not disdain, let's say, armor plated Rhinos
who dig for Grub with horn centimeters above their tar black lips.
Rhinos we are not nor wish we ever were.

Hithertofore, Animals, who coo, howl or hiss,
praise Lord Evolution's creativity
how far reaching who can guess?

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