Friday, May 31, 2013


Call it hook
call it tether
call it interdependence

Flesh and spirit are pegged and being
fabrics sewn together are subject to rips,
be kind to your neighbors, mankind and beasts

Throw a fool on top Mt. Everest or put him under a bus,
that's how vulnerable we are to the emergencies thrust upon us
Pray always for favorable weather.

Folks carry the consequences of their ancestors' misdeeds.
Be then not unfeeling to serial killers once caged
and ready to be tortured fittingly.

I say take the good path, ladies and gentlemen,
that nothing causes us to fear. Be we of uncluttered conscious
and in all things godly.

The meditation, the SOS we call, The Lord's Prayer.
affirms Earth and Heaven's linkage, and we also connect
when we choose to live Master's humility

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