Sunday, November 10, 2013

She Was A Ship

Her belly ripped, her ribs in pieces, her kitchen wares scattered far and wide,
her wheel house crooked, leaning hard, there she lies a mile down.
She was a ship

Off the coast of South America
where the Orinoco flows into the Atlantic
a periscope waits like a one eye monster.

Then a grey spot appears on the grey horizon
which provokes the U boat captain to turn his cap backwards.
and  wait some more.

The Freighter Soraya in perfect profile,
a torpedo is dispatched to her midship.
It hits and sends the ship into a frenzy of fireworks.

Naturally, the crew on the submarine celebrates.
In war, you either celebrate periodically or sigh endlessly.
In the murky bottom there she lays.  She was a ship the goblins eat.

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