Friday, June 19, 2009

Dialogue on Sky and Soul

We fancy that the soul might mirror the sky,
attempting transference of the sky's characteristics
to that which we're not even clear exists

So what are some of the sky's characteristics?
Blue it appears and seemingly inexhaustible

Similarly, a soul might mirror the Universe...
Ascribing to the Universe the characteristic that it could limitless,
a similar jive would be nice for souls to share with it

But where does the sky begin, that's the question....
Well go figure, it probably begins at our toes

And where do you reckon the sky tanks?
That's anyone's guess.
No one has figured how far it goes

And if the soul should mirror the sky,
might it somehow match it in volume and size?

As we live this, we know
a little bit at a time,
we breathe in and out the wild, blue yonder.

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